Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Think "Career" Not "Job"
A great first step to elevating your Agriculture career is to rethink how you look at employment. A job gets you paid. A career gets you fulfilled.
From an advanced Agriculture apprenticeship all the way up owning your own business, an employee needs to be excited about learning new skills and competencies. Consider how you feel about the following:
Whatever their current position, career-focused people answer “yes” to these questions. Their positive energy is noticed by management, often giving them more opportunities.
A great first step to elevating your Agriculture career is to rethink how you look at employment. A job gets you paid. A career gets you fulfilled.
From an advanced Agriculture apprenticeship all the way up owning your own business, an employee needs to be excited about learning new skills and competencies. Consider how you feel about the following:
- In order to get better in your position, are you willing to take additional training?
- Do you take initiative to solve problems?
- Are you a good teammate (willing to help whenever needed)?
- Do you have the ambition to someday run your own Agriculture business?
Whatever their current position, career-focused people answer “yes” to these questions. Their positive energy is noticed by management, often giving them more opportunities.
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Pathways Careers in the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources cluster involve improving the quality and safety of food, cultivating and preserving our natural resources, and caring for animals. This career pathway is divided into seven pathways:
- Quick facts -
Technology improves efficiency Technology continues to improve agricultural efficiencies, for example geospatial mapping can be used to precisely target pesticides and fertilizers to areas with poor crop yields. |
Mining jobs are expanding Mining employs 675,000 workers and is projected to grow more rapidly than other segments of the cluster. |
Demand for renewable energy fast growing Demand for renewable energy is growing faster than any other energy source in the U.S. Usage increased 100% between 2000 and 2018. |
Decline in demand for wood products Demand for paper and wood products is projected to slow in the next several years, reducing related employment demand |
What kind of education or training is required? The simple answer to this is "it depends." When thinking about the kind of education or training that is required for Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, you must first figure out what pathway you want in the field. Once you figure that out, you will be able to research that specific pathway to determine how much education or training is required. A general "rule of thumb" when it comes to education and training in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources is that you can never have too much. It is highly recommended to attend a Career Tech Center as early as possible so that you can get hands on experience and figure out if you enjoy that career path or not. |